Ever since she quit her hit show Balika Vadhu (BV), Pratyusha Banerjee has been in the news constantly. From being signed as the lead in a big-budget TV show on a rival channel to meeting filmmaker Vikram Bhatt and producer Rikku Rakeshnath for their next projects, there has been a lot of speculation about her next move. In this candid chat, she clears the air and talks about her upcoming projects.
Are you going to be part of Bigg Boss this year?
It’s a big platform, but I haven’t been approached for it. If I was in talks with the makers, I’d have said it. I don’t know how this news came out. The latest rumour I’ve heard about me is that I am replacing Tina Dutta in Uttaran. She’s a very dear friend of mine; why would I take her place? I think people are missing me a lot, that’s why they’re inventing news about me (laughs).
You were supposed to do a new show called Daag on another channel. What’s the development on that?
Daag was a big show for the channel; this is what I’d heard. But the makers signed the contract with me a week after I left BV and asked me to wait. After a month of postponement of the show, I asked them to either let me go or pay me for waiting. As they weren’t ready to pay, I decided to move out. I had to leave many good projects for this show.
Was money a big issue?
Yes, it was one of the reasons. We all are here to work. After leaving BV, I received a lot of offers and continue to do so; I’m getting to pick and choose. After doing a great show, I now want to do something big. And if I choose to take up a reality show, it has to be a big platform.
Will that big platform be Nach Baliye for you and your boyfriend Makrand Malhotra?
I was approached for it but I don’t think I will be doing it. Let’s see…
Have you been offered any films too?
I’m in talks with a few filmmakers and in another three-four months, I’ll have clarity to talk about the projects. I’m also going to sign few endorsements. Whatever I choose next will be huge.