After Sohail Khan turned judge on a television comedy show, it was his older brother Arbaaz who took over the mantle when the former had to suddenly quit it. Now with the new season of the hit comedy show Comedy Circus Ke Mahabali, yet another member of the Khan family has joined them. A source says, 'Helen joined the two brothers for the first episode of the new season. Helen, Arbaaz and Sohail will share screen space at the launch of the show.
Dancing diva Helen looked absolutely stunning in a black sari, while it was a homecoming for former judge Sohail, who was welcomed by his brother Arbaaz and co-judge Archana Puran Singh."
The new season features comics Krushna Abhishek, Sudesh Lahiri, Bharti Singh, Siddharth from the previous editions. But they also have newcomers Rakhi Sawant, Claudia Ciesla and Jamie J (who is comedian Johnny Lever’s daughter).
The episode is set to air on August 2.