Shabana Azmi has began shooting for her Anil Kapoor's TV series 24. The actress is very close to Boney and Anil Kapoor.
Though Azmi has fractured her wrist, that has not stopped her from working with Anil Kapoor. Confirming her presence in the serial, Shabana says, "I play Anil's replacement in the anti-terrorist unit. After he goes missing I take charge of the unit. What makes it exciting is that it's a gender-free role."
Anil Kapoor says, "Shabana is playing a very important role in 24. She replaces my character that is Jai Singh Rathore, when I am unable to carry out my duties."
Kapoor has played Azmi's student in Ek Baar Kaho, in the early days of his acting career.
This is the second television venture for the actress. She played the lead in fictional series Anupama.