New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which has started its probe in the Vyapam case in Madhya Pradesh, on Thursday sought a clarification from the Supreme Court on the status of those who have been found accused by the state’s special task force (STF) in the case.
Meanwhile, the agency has also asked the STF to go ahead and file chargesheets against those in custody.
An accused is eligible for bail if the investigating agency does not file a chargesheet within 90 days.
CBI took over the probe into the alleged irregularities in the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB), also known as Vyapam (the Hindi acronym for Madhya Pradesh Vyavsayik Pareeksha Mandal), and related deaths on 13 July. It will take the agency four-six weeks to take over all the cases from the STF.
The apex court will take up CBI’s clarification plea on 20 July.