Soon, she will hit the big screen as Ranbir Kapoor’s new heroine in Abhinav Singh Kashyap’s upcoming film, Besharam. And clearly Pallavi Sharda is over the moon. The actor, who was born and brought up in Australia, has received best wishes from her friends and family in the foreign country. However, they aren’t the only ones thrilled about the release.
The Australian High Commissioner to India, Patrick Suckling, is equally proud of the actor. 'I’m happy that Pallavi is forging such an exciting career in India. She’s a wonderful cultural ambassador for Australia. She’s also a powerful symbol of the way the Australia-India relationship is growing and maturing,' says Suckling, adding,
'The Indian community in Australia is almost half a million people strong. A growing number of Australians are (also) becoming interested in Bollywood and Pallavi’s success will no doubt attract even more new fans.'
Although she has previously been seen in films like My Name Is Khan (2010), Love Breakups Zindagi (2011) and Heroine (2012), Besharam will be Pallavi’s first Bollywood film, in which she is the female lead. She has also been signed on for a major role in a movie that also stars Ayushmann Khurrana.